Bangladesh Police Lunched Queue Management System to Provide Better Service

The system digitises the process of making a general diary, getting necessary information, service level feedback, etc. With the intention of making broader service, the other four zonal branches also configured the system.


increase in annual
recurring revenue


increase in annual
recurring revenue


increase in annual
recurring revenue

Queue Management System

The automatic service processing system brings joy to the people of Mymensingh District who visit the thana to get their essential services.


Queue Management System


General Diary Creation

Visitors Information

Service Level Feedback

Background History

Bangladesh Police launched a digital service in Mymensingh Range Police Division to give better service through the queue-management system.

Mymensingh Range Police told that after getting to use the service Queue Management System, gradually this service increased in popularity among all visitors at the Thana police office.

When this extends public service usage, people can make a general diary within a few minutes. Queue Management System already makes configurations on the other four (04) zonal branches at Mymensingh District to give wide services to the general people. Mymensingh district’s all visitors and people became glad for getting such type of digital services as ensure to keep a record of general diary track number, visitors information, and service level feedback of the desired local thana office of the area. Besides, decrease the crowdy in the thana office and very interested to get digital services from the Mymensingh Range police.